Friday, December 27, 2019

Essay about Democracy - 1421 Words

Like a living organism, democracy must be born into a time where the parents, circumstances, are right to understand the potential of such a child, democracy, and the soil, society, may be described as the type of state that is ready to accept and nurture that child. Metaphors aside, democracy has been noted to provide a better opportunity for human development. Democracy is also commonly defined as a political system that is associated with free and fair elections. A democratic regime simply refers to a system of governance that places sovereignty in the citizen’s hands which allow them to contribute to the process of decision-making through their elected officials. Democracy is not as old as many may originally think. As recent as 1974,†¦show more content†¦These breakdowns can occur through military action, a seizure of power by the opposition, or a collapse of the state. When a collapse occurs, the state cannot coerce and is unable to successfully control the inha bitants of the given territory. Diamond conveys an important reason why some authoritarian regimes lose domestic legitimacy. The citizens of a state may not be confident in their government when â€Å"†¦ they fulfill their self-proclaimed missions and become redundant or when they completely fail to do so and clearly cannot deliver,† (Diamond 91). Failures of dictatorial regimes in countries like Greece and Argentina were a result of bad economic or political performances. Another example of authoritarian failure occurred in Africa in the early 1990s. Most African countries were severely set back because of massive foreign debts. In order to pay back some of these loans, many governments of these African countries would use almost four times their export earnings leaving the government with no funds to provide basic services for its citizens. These failures were not just economic but political as well. It got to a point where these â€Å"†¦ authoritarian states bec ame too broke to buy off their opposition and too exhausted to repress them, protests escalated,† (Diamond 93). These protests had prompted not just a change in the leader, but a change in theShow MoreRelatedDemocracy Is Not A Democracy1297 Words   |  6 Pages â€Å"Democracy... while it lasts is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide.† said by John Adams Defines our country s government to a tea Democracy commonly refers to a type of political system in which the people or their representatives lawfully govern themselves, rather than being governed, say, by a military dictatorship, totalitarian party or monarchRead MoreDemocracy : Democracy Vs. Democracy1589 Words   |  7 PagesDemocracy is a Greek invention, first practiced in the ancient Greek city of Athens. In the late 20th century, Democracy triumphed over all ot her major ideological systems, so overpowering was its victory that former critics now began to advocate their own democratic credentials. The vigorous rise of democracy has continued ever since and today there are over 112 self-proclaimed democratic countries around the world(Kekic 2007), whether all these countries are truly democratic or not is debatableRead MoreDemocracy And Its Impact On Democracy965 Words   |  4 Pages How are they related to democracy, concepts discuss the procedures that make democracy possible. Democracy related to our lives by looking for the right thing to do, for every one of us have equality and freedom of speech, we could have multiple ideas it might change the ideology of the country, we also could related the democracy by looking at the facts. The facts are Free Elections, Political Participation, Civil Liberties, and Functioning Government. The democracy is one of the most common typesRead MoreDemocracy And Its Impact On Democracy1329 Words   |  6 Pages Democracy is a particular form of government the means, â€Å"ruled by the people†. The Greeks are widely credited for the concept of democracy, around six B.C. Many political science experts consider the early Greek government, to be a perfect for of democracy. People had the ability to decide various government issues, and the right to suffrage. Through out time, the concept of democracy was established by many nations. The United States, is widely credited on making democracy widely used aroundRead MoreDemocracy : A Perfect Democracy1398 Words   |  6 PagesDemocracy at its purest form is a system of government, which allows each and every citizen to participate actively and equally in the decisions being made. In a perfect democracy, the decisions made the government are perfect representations of what the people want. In reality, a perfect democracy is nearly impossible, especially when dealing with a population as large as the United States, but there are still techniq ues and systems that can be implemented into a society in which democracy can beRead MoreDemocracy Vs Democracy1193 Words   |  5 Pagesthat I think has created the most success for the government and its people is democracy. The definition of democracy is a â€Å"political system of mass participation, competitive elections, and human and civil rights (Roskin 88).† This is the clear definition of democracy, but there are many different forms for example there is a representative democracy and illiberal democracy. These follow the same guideline of democracy, but have there own individual definition. Unfortunately, there is no perfectRead MoreDemocracy And Its Effect On Democracy894 Words   |  4 PagesDemocracy in its most basic form is a type of governing system ruled by the citizens of a particular society. The first form of democracy can be found in ancient Greece, and the modern form of Democracy was established in part by the French revolution because it brought bac k the idea of rule by the people. Although, for most of history democracy was not viewed in a positive light. According to Mintz, Close, and Croci many people feared democracy because they thought the masses would not act withRead MoreDemocracy And Its Effect On Democracy Essay2111 Words   |  9 PagesOver the past quarter-century, democracy has stood at the center of political debate in many countries and it is a constant concern of the political and social sciences. Since its origins in ancient Greece, democracy was seen as a form of government where power was exercised by the people, that is, where political decisions were made by the majority. Today, democracy enjoys great recognition, but it is important to bear in mind that where democracy is now the preferred constitution, we can not forgetRead MoreDemocracy And Its Lack Of Democracy2099 Words   |  9 Pagesoligarchy, democracy, and tyranny. Most shocking critique throughout the discussion is about democracy and its ineff ectiveness to rule. Plato’s disagreement of democracy does not involve of what we are acquainted with today, but rather the idea of democracy. Plato explores the central strain of the government that is acknowledged with liberty and fairness. Also, this form of government known for its embracement of freedom and equality. Plato’s description and disagreement about democracy is correctRead MoreDemocracy843 Words   |  4 PagesDemocracy Essay 1 Democracy is a means for the people to choose their leaders and to hold their leaders accountable for their policies and their conduct in office. The key role of citizens in a democracy is to participate in public life. Democracy is also a system of rule by laws, not by individuals. Democracy is not a government. It is a way of thinking and a responsibility

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Civil Government And Politics The Constitution - 1880 Words

Compromises in the Constitution Cara Farley AP American Government and Politics - Period 4 October 12, 2015 To begin, the most argued over topic while drafting the Constitution was the setup of the legislative branch. This body of government is responsible for handling the imperative task of creating laws. Under the Articles of Confederation, a legislative branch was established, consisting of a single house, with each state having two to seven representatives. Regardless of the state population or amount of representatives they had, each state would receive one vote. The Congress has the authority to tax the states, though they possessed no ability to forcibly collect these levies. The federal†¦show more content†¦The number of representatives each state was to be based on its population, which gave more populated states more of say in government. This plan gave more power to the federal government, a factor the large states also supported. However, William Patterson countered with the New Jersey plan, which was backed by the smaller states. Similar to the Congress under the Art icles of Confederation, he proposed that Congress should consist of a unicameral house, and all the states should receive equal representation regardless of population. This single house would be elected by the state legislature, and while it did give the national government more power than it had previously, it still maintained equal representation of the states. After much deliberation, Roger Sherman proposed a solution which would become known as the Great Compromise, or the Connecticut Compromise. This resolution created a bicameral legislature with one house, the Senate receiving equal representation in each state, and another house with representation based on population, called the House of Representatives. Outlined in Article I of the Constitution, a solution that satisfied all parties was made. With this resolution also came the start of the census, which would count the population every ten years to determine each state s representation. This resolution was so important,

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

World History History of the Crusades

Question: Write an essay on History of the Crusades? Answer: The crusades are most importantly the most misunderstood event in the European History. Most of the information which has been passed to the public has been misleading for them to understand the real essence of what has exactly happened in the history. Misconceptions about the crusades are all common. The crusades are generally common as they are portrayed as a series of holy wars against the Islam community which has been led by the power mad popes and which was fought by the religious fanatics. They are supposed to have led the communities and were supposed to have the epitome of self righteousness and intolerance - an unacceptable stain in the history of the Catholic Church in common. A separate group of people who have believed that they were great by themselves are called as proto imperialists whom the Crusaders have introduced western aggression to the peaceful Middle- East communities and have in turn deformed their so called disciplined culture. The western culture has almost managed to ruin the entire Muslim and other Middle Eastern cultural attributes to zero. There were a lot of researches which were conducted on the history of the Crusades. Some of the facts which have been proven are that the Crusades for the Eastern communities or the countries were sort of defensive wars. They were a direct response to the Muslim aggression which was treated as an attempt for them to turn their backs against the Muslim conquests of the Christian Lands. Christians in the previous centuries were not paranoids where the Muslims were gunning for them. Islam was born in war where the actual situation could have been turned otherwise. From a safe distance of many centuries it was easy for most of the people to scowl in disgust at the Crusades. Religion was also not much of a reason for the people to fight for. From the time of Mohammed the means of Muslim expansion was always the sword which has divided the world into 2 spheres which were the Abode of Muslim and the Abode of War. When Mohammed was waging a war against Mecca in the early 7th Century Christianity was in total dominance however the faith of the other European cultures had a greater say in different parts of Europe and so the Christian community would remain the prime target for the rest of the world for the next thousands of years. Christians and Jews can be tolerated within a Muslim State under the Muslim rule however in a traditional Islam the Christian and Jewish States should have been destroyed and their lands should have been conquered. References Tyerman, Christopher, The Debate on the Crusades 1099 - 2010, Manchester University Press, 2011 Jean Flori,Chroniqueurs et propagandistes: introduction critique aux sources de la premire croisade(Geneva, 2010). Giles Constable, The historiography of the crusades, inThe Crusades from the Perspective of Byzantium and the Muslim World, ed. Angeliki E. Laiou and Roy Parviz Mottahedeh (Washington, 2001), pp. 122. Belloc, Hilaire, Clarifying a misunderstood period of History The Worlds Debate , 2000.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Man Is Born Free but Everywhere in Chains free essay sample

Born free merely means not born into slavery. But it is arguable whether anyone is born free. We are all enslaved by society to some degree. As a child we are at the mercy of our parents and teachers. Our parents can screw us up so easily with wrong food , wrong support, wrong advice, etc. Our teachers can fill our minds with the wrong ideas and knowledge. But we have to do what they say. Later we may have to serve in the army, whether we want to or not. When they say jump you say Yessir. How high, sir? As an adult we have to work 9 to 5 five days a week for a boss to earn money to live. This means doing what were told by the boss. At all times we are expected to obey thousands of laws, most of which we dont even know exist. If we dont we can lose our liberty. We will write a custom essay sample on Man Is Born Free but Everywhere in Chains or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page To travel we are searched and have to carry a passport. At one time it was even compulsory to go to church. So freedom is not as easily come by as all that. All the above are chains of one sort or another. Perhaps Rousseaus most important work is The Social Contract, which outlines the basis for a legitimate political order.Published in 1762, it became one of the most influential works of political philosophy in the Western tradition. It developed some of the ideas mentioned in an earlier work, the article Economie Politique, featured in Diderots Encyclopedie. The treatise begins with the dramatic opening lines, Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains. One man thinks himself the master of others, but remains more of a slave than they. Rousseau claimed that the state of nature was a primitive condition without law or morality, which human beings left for the benefits and necessity of cooperation.As society developed, division of labour and private property required the human race to adopt institutions of law. In the degenerate phase of society, man is prone to be in frequent competition with his fellow men while at the same time becoming increasingly dependent on them. This double pressure threatens both his survival and his freedom. According to Rousseau, by joining together through the social contract and abandoning their claims of natural right, individuals can both preserve themselves and remain free. This is because submission to the authority of the general will of the people as a whole guarantees individuals against being subordinated to the wills of others and also ensures that they obey themselves because they are, collectively, the authors of the law. While Rousseau argues that sovereignty should be in the hands of the people, he also makes a sharp distinction between sovereignty and government. The government is charged with implementing and enforcing the general will and is composed of a smaller group of citizens, known as magistrates.Rousseau was bitterly opposed to the idea that the people should exercise sovereignty via a representative assembly. Rather, they should make the laws directly. It was argued that this would prevent Rousseaus ideal state from being realized in a large society, such as France was at the time. Much of the subsequent controversy about Rousseaus work has hinged on disagreements concerning his claims that citizens constrained to obey the g eneral will are thereby rendered free.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Calyx Corolla Case free essay sample

As of 1995, we believe that Calyx Corolla should adopt a high premium pricing strategy and have also identified tactics it should implement in order to improve on its product, price, place, and promotional activities. We arrived at our conclusion by analyzing Calyxs marketing strategy, perceived value or willingness to pay, competitors prices, and the companys costs. First of all Calyx Corolla is in the floral industry, a multi-billion dollar business comprised of growers, wholesalers, and retailers.It started when founder Ruth Dowses created a mail order business selling garden implements and accessories. After selling the business to Williams-Sonoma, a direct mail and retail seller of cookware and other kitchen merchandise, Dowses continued working there for 4. 5 years, gaining a substantial understanding Of business operation models. After resigning from Williams- Sonoma, Dowses started Calyx Corolla. She recruited the UP of Operations, Fran Wilson, from her old employer to design the operations system and to be in charge of operating issues. We will write a custom essay sample on Calyx Corolla Case or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Also, she hired a marketing specialist with 20+ years of experience, a former creative director at Roger Worth, to oversee all the marketing activities. Fast forward to the present, Calyxs currently operates by buying flowers from growers in Florida, California, and Hawaii, and then delivering the flowers directly to customers via Faded. This success in designing its distribution channel was the key to the compass success up until now. In the floral industry, customers want to get fresh and long lasting flowers.These demands have determined the companys choice of distribution channels. By linking growers directly to end-users and successfully bypassing middle layer distributors, Calyx Corolla provided not only longer-lasting flowers, but also rower costs because multiple mark-ups were avoided. The keys that allowed it to carry out the abovementioned business model are the following: i) A strong relationship with the grower and ii. A strong relationship with Faded. However, the retail florist industry has been facing numerous changes within the past few years.The supply of flowers has shifted to developing countries. New technology poses as both threats and opportunities. Customer tastes have changed, and the threats of new substitutes are increasing. For starters, suppliers in the industry have power over the prices of flowers sold to retailers. Depending on the season and the demand for particular flowers, suppliers are able to adjust the prices accordingly. In order to counter this and to neutralize supplier power, Calyx Corolla should not be dependent on just a few suppliers.What has worked for Calyx was that it signed exclusive contracts with them and then educated the growers on how to execute the order accurately and efficiently; Calyx also provided them With additional support such as giving them shipping boxes, vases etc. This had the double benefit of providing value for both the grower and Calyx. The grower got training and a guaranteed customer while Calyx received the ream of the crop from an exclusive vendor. Communications between the company and growers were also very key and necessary.Calyx Corolla gave demand forecasts to its suppliers, and in turn us pliers notified the company of any low yields or excessive yields. As a result, Calyx could plan ahead by either using other suppliers or making special promotions to its customer base. Therefore because the company can predict what will be in heavy demand, it was possible to implement economies of scale. However, we propose that in addition to the compass suppliers concentrated mainly in Florida, California, and Hawaii, Calyx Corolla should consider other sources of growers/suppliers, like growers in Mexico.It can give the Mexican growers the same sort of mutually beneficial relationship it has with its American growers and also possibly receive the same (if not better) discounts for bulk purchases. Other problems include new entrants and established rivals. New entrants offer new competition, while facing barriers to entry. They face higher costs because of supply-side economies of scale. Because Calyx Corolla has an established clientele and large orders to fill, it has the benefit of economies of scale. Furthermore, Calyxs relationship with Faded, constantly improving, operates now as both an asset and a weapon to deter new entrants.The relationship has blossomed to the point where prices can now be negotiated by weight, and Faded leaves trailers with major growers during the peak season, replacing them when full. Calyx has communicated to Faded about its business enough so that Faded employees know not to leave packages in the winter cold if no one is at home. Finally Faded has a computer terminal with an online tracking system set up in Calyxs office so that shipments could be traced. Because of their great working relationship, Calyx can enjoy better economies of scale than new entrants can.Moreover, new entrants also face other incumbency advantages. Without the necessary experience and an established clientele, new entrants lack any reputation to establish a good client base. Established rivals have power through price competition. In order to counter established rivals, Calyx Corolla should find new niches or offer different products/services that differ from their competitors. For example, substitutes to floral arrangements pose a major threat to florists. Since floral arrangements are perishable and inedible, they are seen as luxury goods to many consumers.Popular substitutes to send as gifts are fruits and cookie bouquets/basket. In order to compete, Calyx Corolla should buy and advertise flowers with longer lifespan so cons_Seems can more likely feel that they are getting their moneys worth. Moreover as of the present, 70% of Calyx Corollas revenues comes from catalogs sales. By circulating catalogs 6 times every year and targeting those who have purchased at least twice in the past year, Calyx Corolla has sold mainly to working women with substantial disposable incomes.Based on their analysis, the largest potential group of clients were those who are unaccustomed to buying via mail orders. These customers have the power to purchase goods, negotiate prices, or purchase goods from another competitor. In order to respond to customer power, Calyx Corolla should expand their services to better suit their target customers. By offering services like discounts for return customers and large orders, customers are less likely to seek out other florists.It can send reminders to customers about special upcoming days, like holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries. It can utilize the strategy of sending reminders to customers, especially husbands and boyfriends; as a result it can better compete in the market. By providing special services and quality work, Calyx Corolla can add value to their business and gain/keep customers. Other marketing approaches are attracting corporate clients from promotional tie-ins, which has a major opportunity for incremental sales and broadening the customer base.Also publicity like positive press releases and journal article coverage are also carried out by Dowses herself. The promotion strategy therefore should be based on different customer hypes, cycle, and also need to create customer demand (flowers are extra and unnecessary spending so we may need to tell enticing stories to bring out more demand for flowers). The main promotion focus should therefore be on existing customers for the normal days (cheaper and more effective) and target new customers during the special holidays.We propose thus the following plan: Resource Existing Customers New Customers Media Exposure 15% Holiday advertise campaign on newspapers, radio and television would be the eff ective way to attract clients to dial in directly to order products. It will be effective for new client acquisition. Direct promotion 35% Constant direct mailing (monthly or quarterly) and shipping of catalogs to existing clients to stimulate repurchase. Mail catalog on special holidays. Only send to target audience, ex. Send to families on Mothers Day.Leads conversion -Existing customer outbound depends on inventory and mainly do it on non- peak seasons. -Segment existing customers by the reason of past purchase (design questionnaire when clients purchase), and promote base on that reason. For example, if a client bought flowers on Valentines Day, call him to remind show constant care to the girlfriend. Obtain customer leads from vents like flower exhibitions, attend events and collect names with questionnaires, and finally store into potential customers into companys database.Outbound or mail the customers for the holiday campaign and promotions. BIB campaign Build relationships with corporate clients, ally with welfare departments and HER to either offer discount campaign for employees or to sell flowers to the company for special events Forge strong relationships with firms like restaurants and wedding companies to use or sell Calyxs flowers. Finally, the current distribution channel that Calyx Corolla should head towards is inline. For starters, Calyx does not even have a physical stores and even a distribution center that customers can shop in.By pursuing virtual channels, Calyxs customers can either order by phone, by fax, online, or by mail. We suggest that Calyx keeps the same strategy in order to keep the cape low. The company can then use the cash flow to invest in its products and promotions. Calyx can also extend its market to service BIB clients. For example, it can forge a business deal with certain companies like restaurants, giving these companies fresh flowers to sell to their own clients on the holidays. It would not only increase product sales but the clients would also play a role in making up the physical channels of Calyx Corolla.Doing so also markets to potential clients the physical experience of Calyxs flowers, and hopefully preparing them for future purchases via Calyxs virtual channels. Therefore according to Calyx current position in the market, it should set a higher price consistent with higher positioning in the flower industry. Utilizing its abovementioned competitive advantages, Calyx Corolla can provide high-quality (or at least perceived high quality) products. Quick delivery is a ore value in flower industry, so the perceived value will be higher than that of its competitors.In addition, a higher price itself will enhance the perceived value. Because customers buy flowers as gifts in many cases, customers require appropriate quality and they draw inferences about its quality from price. Contrary to the microeconomics assumptions, high pricing can lead to higher demand in this particular case because it signals a higher quality in this situation. Also, customers tend to not be as price-sensitive when they buy gifts. Therefore a high price will not decrease the demand so dramatically.Although its price will be higher than its competitors, a higher price will differentiate Calyx Corolla from its competitors and make the positioning of Calyx more distinct. In this case, it is not a good idea to follow the pricing of competitors. To develop a new way of selling and communicate with newly segmented customers will cost Calyx Corolla a significant amount. Hence, a higher price unique to Calyxs perceived value seems the appropriate way to retrieve the costs and to develop new marketing strategies. That approach in addition to the proposed tactics listed above will propel Calyx to further growth into the future.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How has Lucozade persuaded its audience to buy the product essays

How has Lucozade persuaded its audience to buy the product essays Over the past thirty years Lucozade has changed its image to market the product. Lucozade with its high sugar content appears in both liquid and tablet form, and it was originally made for people who were feeling ill. It began with just one original drink but today there is lemon, orange, blackcurrant, mixed fruit, hydro and sport. In 1932, Beechams made Lucozade, which is commonly known for making medical products. In 1970 it was still a medical product and was sold in chemists at a high price. But since 1970 both knowledge and medicines have improved. Today Lucozade is mainly used as an energy drink, there are other products for energy drinks but Lucozade has maintained a niche in the market. The advertisement selling Lucozade in 1970 is persuasive in many ways. The family is a fairly stereotypical middle class unit: the Mother middle, upper class woman, nice hair, clothes etc, the boy, noisy, plenty of toys and the little girl has bunches, hugging a doll and is generally very sweet. It begins with a boy in bed receiving, Get well cards from his little sister, showing that the little boy is actually ill. He then becomes the usual stereotypical boy being noisy and playing on his drum. When their Mother pours the Lucozade into a glass and says to her ill son, come on noisy, back to bed, he obeys. This reveals that the boy having already dismissed his little sisters card, which he thinks unimportant, approves of the Lucozade and expects it to work. During this period, people would have expected the father to be at work while the wife stayed at home and looked after the kids, therefore the father is not present. The reason why people responded to this product is they feel they can relate to the story, the lower class think that if they buy that product then they are buying into the whole classy image. The appearance of the Lucozade bottle is very stylish. The exterior is wrapped in cellophane with th...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Working with Children who have been Abused Essay

Working with Children who have been Abused - Essay Example One of the major areas of focus for the researchers has been the issue of child abuse in relation to policies and procedures and the result of many of the studies has been to emphasise the inadequacies of the present system in dealing with the issue. Therefore, one finds that researchers such as Mendes (2001) and Wise (2003) discuss the inadequacies of the system while such important writers as Lonne and Thomson (2005) offer their ideas on how to improve Queensland's child protection situation. As the 'Guidelines for Mandated Notifiers' by Child-Safe Environments, Reporting Child Abuse & Neglect suggests, there are, in general, four ways of child abuse. Physical abuse, a dominant form, is commonly characterised by physical injury resulting from practices such as hitting, punching or kicking, shaking, and alcohol or other drug administration etc. Another visible form of child abuse is sexual abuse which occurs when someone in a position of power to the child uses her/his power to invo lve the child in sexual activity and it includes sexual suggestion, exhibitionism, mutual masturbation, oral sex, showing pornographic material, using children in the production of pornographic material, penile or other penetration of the genital or anal region, and child prostitution. Emotional abuse tends to be a chronic behavioural pattern directed at a child whereby a child's self esteem and social competence are undermined or eroded over time and this includes devaluing, ignoring, rejecting, corrupting, isolating etc. Finally, neglect is characterised by the failure to provide for the child's basic needs and this includes inadequate supervision of young children for long periods of time, failure to provide adequate nutrition, clothing or personal hygiene, etc. (Guidelines for Mandated Notifiers). 'Guidelines for Mandated Notifiers' is a material available for helping a social worker in the mandated notifiers and in this paper an evaluation of the material on its adequacy of guidance, its research base etc is carried out. While evaluating whether the document offers adequate guidance for mandated notifiers, it also recommends for the improvement of the resource. Child abuse notifiers many often fall short of their aims and objectives and profound researches have focused on whether preventive family support should be encouraged rather than child protection. The result of these studies suggest that in many cases child abuse are not substantiated and a serious reason pointed out for the poor results of child abuse notifiers is the mandatory reporting regulations. And this has resulted in the remark that the time and energy could and should have been devoted to helping families instead of investigating the false claims regarding child abuse. Wise (2003) is of the opinion that the families with general needs do not expect child protection and investigation but instead they need support and it is significant that prevention can be better than cure. All these remarks can be understood in the background of inadequacy of the guidance, research bases etc. Research evidences prove the need for better guidelines and support to the social workers in thei r activities for the cause of children and society. It can be comprehended that the context of social work has undergone rapid changes and the social workers